[06/06/2018] BILSP and ISTUR are Eurofound’s correspondents for Bulgaria

As of February 2018, BILSP in consortium with the Institute for Social and Trade Union Research (ISTUR) are Eurofound correspondents for Bulgaria.

The tasks both our organisations will undertake for the next three years include:

  • providing input to Eurofound to map and compare regulations, policies and practices in industrial relations, working conditions, labour markets and employment as well as in other social policy related areas;
  • reporting regularly on developments in working life and restructuring, allowing Eurofound to add and update information in the European Observartory of Working Life (EurWORK) and the European Monitoring Centre on Change (EMCC).

Ms. Zlatka Gospodinova, Mr. Ivan Neykov and Mr. Yordan Dimitrov are the correspondents on BILSP’s side.

Eurofound is the tripartite EU agency providing knowledge to assist in the development of better social, employment and work-related policies.

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