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Swiss-Bulgarian Civic Engagement and Transparency Facility (CETF) will start to operate from August 1, 2024.

The Civic Engagement and Transparency Facility (CETF) is aimed at strengthening civic participation and open governance in Bulgaria. The core focus of this initiative are civil society organisations, which play a key role in increasing citizens’ knowledge of their rights and responsibilities. The overall aim is to get more Bulgarian citizens actively engaged and involved in a more transparent and inclusive public debate on decisions that affect them.

The operator of the second edition of the Swiss-Bulgarian Civic Engagement and Transparency Facility is a consortium of – Balkan Institute for Labour and Social PolicyBulgarian Centre for Not-for-Profit Law and INNOVABRIDGE that has been selected in a tender procedure.

The programme will support associations, foundations and community centres over the next 5 years with CHF 10 million. This will be achieved by strengthening the civil society sector as a key actor in development, balancing the interests of the state, business and society at both local and national levels, thereby contributing to reducing the disparities affecting them.

Read more about the Facility in English.

Read more about the Facility in Bulgarian.

През втората половина на 2024 година предстои стартирането на Швейцарско-българския механизъм за подкрепа на гражданските организации за периода 2024-2029. В тази връзка, бихме искали да ви поканим да участвате в кратка 10-минутна анкета, която цели събирането на обратна връзка за оптимизация на компонентите на Механизма в съответствие с нуждите и очакванията на гражданския сектор.

Анкетата е отворена за попълване до 20 май 2024 г. 

Повече информация и достъп до анкетата ще намерите тук:


A new paper created under the FAIR project (Fast-track in Adapting Innovative welfare solutions for Responsible business development) funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, examines the vital role of welfare technologies in integrating people with disabilities into the workforce. The study highlights the importance of assistive technologies and compensatory strategies in addressing the high unemployment rate among individuals with disabilities. By exploring various technology uses, the report provides insights for employers and policymakers to create more inclusive workplaces.

Check-out the full paper in Bulgarian:

A new report, part of the BILSP project FAIR (Fast-track in Adapting Innovative welfare solutions for Responsible business development), funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, offers practical insights for companies in the welfare technology sector. The report introduces the living lab approach and its application in social care companies. It emphasizes collaborative efforts between companies, researchers, and end-users, enabling better understanding of user needs and refining products and services effectively. This guide provides a roadmap for innovation, enhancing the impact of welfare technologies in addressing social care challenges.

Check-out the full paper in Bulgarian:

“Resilience for All”. This is the motto that has been guiding RESILOC efforts in Bulgaria. This motto has also become part of the understanding of two Bulgarian communities – that of the village of Tetovo (RESILOC trial community) and the town of Dve Mogili (early adopter community).

Throughout RESILOC, the two communities followed a very similar journey, although with a different duration. Multiple workshops were conducted with identified relevant stakeholders who were part of the established local resilience team (LRT).

The communities went through a preparatory phase, in which the volunteers from the local resilience teams and the facilitators from the RESILOC project established the baseline for the work in the community. This included creating a community profile with the most important community information which helps systematize the information for the common understanding within the LRT.

The two LRTs co-decided what are the two most relevant hazard scenarios in the two communities. Tetovo worked with wildfires and snowstorms, while Dve Mogili worked with wildfires and fake news. The LRTs were empowered to work with the RESILOC scientific framework (the so-called DIP framework coming from dimensions, indicators and proxies).

The second major phase during the communities’ RESILOC journey was data collection. Data collection took place after the LRTs agreed on the set of indicators and proxies they deemed relevant for the hazard scenarios. Data collection included accessing public databases, community surveys and expert estimations. Once the needed data was collected, it was input in the RESILOC cloud platform. The assessments that resulted thereafter were validated with the local communities in Tetovo and in Dve Mogili through a Citizens Jury. Since the assessments and resulting strategic recommendations were approved within the communities, a strategy was issued and presented to policy makers in Ruse Region.

Срок за кандидатстване

21 септември 2022 г., 16.30 ч.

Кой може да кандидатства

Микро, малки и средни предприятия, регистрирани не по-късно от 31.12.2019 г., които:

  1. Са реализирали нетни приходи от продажби общо за 2019, 2020 и 2021 финансови години, както следва:
    • Микро предприятие         ≥ 210 000 лева
    • Малко предприятие          ≥ 750 000 лева
    • Средно предприятие        ≥ 3 000 000 лева
  2. Са реализирали нетни приходи от продажби за 2021 финансова година, както следва:
    • Категория на предприятието  Нетни приходи от продажби
    • Микро предприятие   ≥ 52 000 лева
    • Малко предприятие    ≥ 187 000 лева
    • Средно предприятие  ≥ 750 000 лева
  3. Развиват своята основна икономическа дейност в определените национални и регионални приоритетни сектори съгласно Националната стратегия за малките и средни предприятия 2021-2027 г., както следва:
C21 Производство на лекарствени вещества и продуктиC26 Производство на компютърна и комуникационна техника, електронни оптични продуктиC20 Производство на химични продуктиC27 Производство на електрически произведенияC28 Производство на машини и оборудване, с общо и специално предназначениеC29 Производство на автомобили, ремаркета и полуремаркетаC30 Производство на превозни средства, без автомобилиЕ38 Събиране и обезвреждане на отпадъци; рециклиране на материалиЕ39 Възстановяване и други услуги по управление на отпадъциJ59 Производство на филми и телевизионни предавания, звукозаписване и издаване на музикаJ60 Радио- и телевизионна дейностJ61 ДалекосъобщенияJ62 Дейности в областта на информационните технологииJ63 Информационни услугиM71 Архитектурни и инженерни дейности; технически изпитвания и анализиM72 Научно-изследователска и развойна дейностC10 Производство на хранителни продуктиC11 Производство на напиткиC13 Производство на тъканиC14 Производство на облеклоC15 Обработка на кожи; производство на обувки и други изделия от обработени кожи без косъмC16 Производство на дървен материал и изделия от дървен материал и корк, без мебели; производство на изделия от слама и материали за плетенеC17 Производство на хартия, картон и изделия от хартия и картонC18 Печатна дейност и възпроизвеждане на записани носителиC19 Производство на кокс и рафинирани нефтопродуктиC22 Производство на изделия от каучук и пластмасиC23 Производство на изделия от други неметални минерални суровиниC24 Производство на основни металиC25 Производство на метални изделия, без машини и оборудванеC31 Производство на мебелиC32 Производство, некласифицирано другадеC33 Ремонт и инсталиране на машини и оборудванеJ58 Издателска дейност 

Размер на безвъзмездната помощ

  • За Микро фирми между 35 000 -180 000 лева, но не повече от 100% от осреднения размер на нетните приходи от продажби за периода 2019, 2020 и 2021 г.
  • За Малки фирми между 35000 – 350 000 лева, но повече от 60% от осреднения размер на нетните приходи от продажби за периода 2019, 2020 и 2021 г.
  • За средни фирми между 35 000 – 700 000 лева, но не повече от 25% от осреднения размер на нетните приходи от продажби за периода 2019, 2020 и 2021 г.

Максимален размер на безвъзмездната помощ / съфинансиране

  • 50 % от стойността на проекта

Допустими разходи

  1. Разходи за ДМА: машини, съоръжения и оборудване.
  2. Разходи за ДНА – софтуер, в т.ч.:
    • Разходи за придобиване на специализиран софтуер;
    • Разходи за придобиване на ERP системи, CRM системи и/или MOM/MES системи (в размер до 50 000 лева).

За повече информация може да се обърнете към екипа на Балканския институт по труда и социалната политика и Синова лаб на адрес или телефон 0888261570. 

The SI-Zone project in partnership with organisations from Austria, France, Romania, Spain and UK will end at the end of March. During it the consortium developed a model for identifying potential social entrepreneurs among the target groups and a model of career guidance in social economy and entrepreneurship.

Based on that all partners together developed a training programme consisting of 12 modules for Social Entrepreneurship. And finally, to make it more innovative and interesting, based on these modules was created a game, consisting of 60 questions, to check your knowledge and improve it via the modules lately.

You can find all this here !

BILSP and Fair Wear Foundation prepared a couple of videos on worker rights. The videos are related to the precarious COVID-19 situation.

The topics discussed are health and safety, job and wage losses, and leave entitlements.

If you are interested in your rights as a worker or are concerned with the situation at your workplace, these videos are just for you! They are available in Bulgarian with English subtitles.



Fair Wear Foundation recently released its Bulgaria Country Study 2019.

The report explores the status of the garment industry and, more broadly, the industrial relations in the country. The country study also reviews the implementation of the Fair Wear Code of Labour Practices.

Two of our BILSP colleagues actively contributed to drafting the report.

The national support point of the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) held a seminar on ‘Good Practices in Adult Learning’ on April 18-19. Dr. Y. Takeva, Chair of the Trade Union of Bulgarian Teachers and winner of the ‘Ambassador of Lifelong Learning’ award in 2017, inaugurated the event.

The seminar participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with a wide spectrum of project interventions financed under the Erasmus+ Programme, and the latter’s planned and achieved results.

The seminar was a wonderful occasion to share thoughts and experiences with Erasmus+. Our colleagues, Borislava Borisova and Miroslava Dakovska, presented BILSP’s Social Innovation Zone project as a good practice at the event.