Snapshots from the borders – Small towns facing the global challenges of Agenda 2030

Period: 2017 – 2019

Overall Objective: Improving the critical understanding of Euro national and local decision makers and of public opinion about inter-dependencies determining migration flows towards European borders in the perspective of reaching targets of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, especially SDG 1, 5, and 16

Specific Objective: Strengthening a new horizontal, active network a cities directly facing migration flows at EU borders, as a way to promo more effective policy coherence at all levels (European, national, local)

Work sphere: Other: Migrants

Type of action: Awareness

Client: European Commission, EuropeAid

Budget: EUR 5 352 358,28


Comune di Lampedusa e Linosa, Italy
Autonomous Province of Bolzano – South Tyrol, Austria
Comune di Pesaro, Italy
Regione Puglia, Italy
Amref Health Africa, Italy
Associazione Africa e Mediterraneo, Italy
Cabildo Insular De Tenerife, Spain
Fundacion Africana Para La Medicina Y La Investigacion Amref Flying Doctors,Spain
Ville de Grande-Synthe, France
Eine Welt Netzwerk Thüringen e. V. , Germany
Insamlingsstiftelsen Harald Edelstam, Sweden
Marktgemeinde Straß in Steiermark, Austria
Stadtgemeinde Traiskirchen, Austria
Südwind – Verein für Entwicklungspolitik und globale Gerechtigkeit, Austria
Municipality of Maribor, Slovenia
Municipality of Črnomelj, Slovenia
ISCOMET Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies, Slovenia
Syklonagysfalu Onkormaniza, Hungary
Cromo Közhasznú Alapítvány Foundation, Hungary
Teritorial Administrative Unit Constanta Municipality, Romania
Novapolis Association – Center of Analysis and Initiatives for Development, Romania
Burgas Municipality, Bulgaria
North Aegean Region, Greece
Municipality of Rhodes, Greece
Agios Athanasios Municipality, Cyprus
Marsa Local Council, Malta
Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali, Malta
Local Democracy Agency Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina


  1. International Documentary contest on Migration
  2. Realising “No more bricks in the Wall Campaign” – a cycle of 13 informative workshops targeted to civil servants and policy/decision makers on main project’s topics
  3. Development of a participatory investigation (year 1) to the impact of migrants flows at local level in each partner territory
  4. Conducting specific training, targeting towns’ majors, decision makers servants etc., providing them with advocacy skills and tools