Occupational health and safety
[2004-2005] Occupational Health and Safety as an Economic Factor in Free Market Competition
Period: 2004 – 2005
Work Sphere: Occupational safety and health
Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance
Client: EU
Partners: Gesellschaft fuer Vericherungs-wissenschaft und-gestaltung e.V. (GVG)
Objective: To discuss the different aspects of the connection between the OSH and the labour productivity in the light of the Lisbon Strategy
Activities: Overall conference organization, moderating and chairing panel discussions, overall responsibility and organization of the logistics for the conference
[2004-2006] Support to the Directorate General for Occupational Health and Safety of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and its Occupational Health and Safety Center (ISGUM)
Period: 2004 – 2006
Work Sphere: Occupational safety and health
Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance
Client: Directorate General for Occupational Health and Safety of Republic of Turkey
Partners: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenosseschaften (DGUV); Gesellschaft fuer Vericherungs-wissenschaft und-gestaltung e.V. (GVG); ANKON Management Consulting Services
Objective: To align the occupational health and safety standards in Turkey with those of the European Union and to improve the implementation of occupational health and safety rules and regulations at work places with a particular focus on small and medium size enterprises
Activities: Collection, analysis and dissemination of occupational diseases data; Occupational diseases statistics and data banks (ILO); Methodology on statistical analysis of collected data; Promoting ILO conventions No. 121, 155, 161 and their recommendations; Training
[2003-2006] National Centre “European Industrial Relations Observatory”
Period: 2003 – 2006
Work Sphere: Occupational Safety and Health, Others: Industrial Relations
Type of Action: Analysis
Client: The Dublin Foundation
Partners: Institute for Social and Trade Union Research – ISTUR/CITUB
Objective: To serve the needs of national and European level organizations of the social partners, governmental organizations and EU institutions
Activities: Monitoring of the development of the industrial relations in Bulgaria; Writing in-briefs and features; Development of comparative studies; Developing annual updates and annual reports for the different aspects of the industrial relations in Bulgaria
[2002-2003] Enhancement of the Harmonization of Applicant Countries with OHS EU-Directives
Period: 2002 – 2003
Work Sphere: Occupational Safety and Health
Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance
Client: EU
Partners: Gesellschaft fuer Vericherungs-wissenschaft und-gestaltung e.V. (GVG)
Objective: Enhancement of the harmonization of applicant countries with OHS EU-directives
Activities: Overall conference organisation: Preparation of the Bulgarian presentation, Shaping and chairing panel discussions, overall logistics.
[2009-2012] Enhancing international strategies and policies of trade unions
Period: 2009 – 2012
Work Sphere: Corporate and social responsibility
Type of Action: Awareness
Funding: EU – Europe Aid
Partners: Sudwing Agentur (AT); AUR-ANSRU (RO); Cartel ALFA (RO); Weltumspannend arbeiten (AT); CL Podkrepa (BG)
Objective: Enhancing common international strategies and policies of trade unions and works councils, (specifically nternational framework agreements and solidarity agreements).
Activities: Awareness raising on decent work; Creation of consciousness through training; Multiplying activities.
[2010-2013] National working condition survey in Bulgaria
Period: 2010 – 2013
Work Sphere: Occupational health and safety
Type of Action: Analysis
Funding/Client: General Labor Inspectorate (GLI)
Partners: Scientific Research Department at Sofia University and B.A.D GmbH, Germany
Objective: Survey on working conditions in enterprises of all 21 economic sectors in the country, in accordance with the Classification of Economic Activities 2008
Activities: Survey methodology development; Questionnaires and other field work instruments development; Field work organization and conduction (interviews with 2,200 employees, online poll with 18000 persons, 8 focus groups, 240 enterprises reviewed); Data processing and Final report development.
[2010-2013] Enhancing the capacity of the State Labour Inspectorate
Period: 2010 – 2013
Work Sphere: Occupational health and safety
Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance
Funding/Client: Ministry of Labour and Protection of People, Azerbaidzhan
Partners: N/A
Objective: Improve the mechanisms for the institutional coordination of the Government and its agencies in their efforts to prepare and implement development policies and projects financed by different international sources.
Activities: Functional analysis of the existing system for resources planning, management and monitoring of the development policies; best practices of coordination mechanisms; Development of a strategy, action plan and procedures; Improving the Informational system for international cooperation (ISIC); Training 650 representatives with the new ISIC.