[2017 – 2020] Snapshots from the Borders
Period: 2017 – 2020
Overall Objective: Improving the critical understanding of Euro national and local decision makers and of public opinion about inter-dependencies determining migration flows towards European borders in the perspective of reaching targets of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, especially SDG 1, 5, and 16
Specific Objective: Strengthening a new horizontal, active network of cities directly facing migration flows at EU borders, as a way to promote more effective policy coherence at all levels (European, national, local)
Work sphere: Other: Migrants
Type of action: Awareness
Client: European Commission, EuropeAid
Budget: EUR 5 352 358,28
Partners: Comune di Lampedusa e Linosa, Italy; Autonomous Province of Bolzano – South Tyrol, Austria; Comune di Pesaro, Italy; Regione Puglia, Italy; Amref Health Africa, Italy; Associazione Africa e Mediterraneo, Italy; Cabildo Insular De Tenerife, Spain; Fundacion Africana Para La Medicina Y La Investigacion Amref Flying Doctors, Spain; Ville de Grande-Synthe, France; Eine Welt Netzwerk Thüringen e. V., Germany; Insamlingsstiftelsen Harald Edelstam, Sweden; Marktgemeinde Straß in Steiermark, Austria; Stadtgemeinde Traiskirchen, Austria; Südwind – Verein für Entwicklungspolitik und globale Gerechtigkeit, Austria; Municipality of Maribor, Slovenia; Municipality of Črnomelj, Slovenia; ISCOMET Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies, Slovenia; Syklonagysfalu Onkormaniza, Hungary; Cromo Közhasznú Alapítvány Foundation, Hungary; Teritorial Administrative Unit Constanta Municipality, Romania; Novapolis Association – Center of Analysis and Initiatives for Development, Romania; Burgas Municipality, Bulgaria; North Aegean Region, Greece; Municipality of Rhodes, Greece; Agios Athanasios Municipality, Cyprus; Marsa Local Council, Malta; Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali, Malta;
Local Democracy Agency Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- International Documentary contest on Migration
- Realising “No more bricks in the Wall Campaign” – a cycle of 13 informative workshops targeted to civil servants and policy/decision makers on main project’s topics
- Development of a participatory investigation (year 1) to the impact of migrants flows at local level in each partner territory
- Conducting specific training, targeting towns’ majors, decision makers servants etc., providing them with advocacy skills and tools