Corporate and social responsibility
[2004] Towards the Building of the Bulgarian Apparel Industry as a Leader in Corporate Social Responsibility
Period: 2004
Work Sphere: Corporate and social responsibility
Type of Action: Capacity building
Client: European Trade Union Federation of Textile, Clothing and Leather
Partners: ETUF-TCL, Adidas – Salomon, H&M, Levi’s, Nike
Objective: Encouraging the constructive dialogue between government, social partners and workers in the sawing industry leading to increased co-operation in jointly building the Bulgarian Apparel Industry’s market position as a “leader in Corporate Social Responsibility”
Activities: Training of 50 representatives of the factories’ management and 100 representatives of the workers how to build the capacity within their factory; Providing supervision of the IC meetings (over 45 meetings); consulting on the problems arisen uring the supervision; Organising 12 training workshops, divided in 3 phases, a Preparatory workshop and an Evaluation seminar
[2002-2003] Promoting the introduction of EU Standards in production and Trade with food and beverage in Bulgaria
Period: 2002 – 2003
Work Sphere: Corporate and social responsibility
Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance
Client: BAFBP
Partners: BAFBP
Objective: To prepare the Bulgarian food and beverage producers for the requirements and standards they have to meet in the process of EU accession as well those they have to meet when Bulgaria becomes a EU member state
Activities: Survey of the existing situation in selected 500 factories in connection with the implementation of EU standards; Carrying out special information forums on this matter; Disseminaton and outreach
[2006] Enabling the Dialogue between Management and Employees
Period: 2006
Work Sphere: Corporate and social responsibility
Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance
Client: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH
Partners: Sustainability Agents (DE)
Objective: To stimulate the creation of new jobs in the municipality of Madan
Activities: Training more than 30 managers and workers in how to have an in-house dialogue; Developing 8 factory Action Plans (AP) for starting in-house dialogue.
[2006-2007] Going beyond Social Auditing
Full name: Towards a Comprehensive and Participatory Monitoring Structure by Enabling In-House Dialogue between Management and Workers
Period: 2006-2007
Work Sphere: Corporate and social responsibility
Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance
Funding: European Commission
Objective: Тo create a common understanding of stakeholders regarding the benefits and chances, the weaknesses and risks of dialogue approaches, criteria for introducing self-sustaining in-house dialogue structures.
Activities: Providing experts to frame the activities, the management practices, the training measures, the resources, etc. for summarising and evaluation of the results of the European seminar; Developing of criteria for in-house dialogue structures between management and workers in the framework of comprehensive and participatory monitoring and improved social auditing; Organising second expert seminar in Bulgaria including visiting Bulgarian apparel factory.
[2007-2009] Transfert de compétences et d’innovation (HeRmeS-R)
Period: 2007 – 2009
Work Sphere: Corporate and social responsibility
Type of Action: Capacity building
Funding: European Commission
Partners: New Bulgarian University; University of Craiova; APG (Portuguese Human Resources Association); Bussinesse School of Universidade Autonoma de Lisboa; ESCEM; MAC-Team aisbl; Smala; RH sans Frontières
Objective: To create structure and units for introduction CSR into business and training centres at lecturer/mentor and trainee level.
Activities: Training needs analysis; Development of curricula for training in CSR for Human Resource managers, social auditors, etc.; Delivering of training in CSR in Bulgaria
[2007-2010] Programme for the Sustainable Development of Enterprises in Bulgaria
Period: 2007-2010
Work Sphere: Corporate and social responsibility
Type of Action: Capacity building
Client: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Partners: State Tourism Agency; Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association; Regional tourist association „Stara Planinа”
Objective: Raising awareness about the importance of sustainable development in the tourism sector, training local experts to build national expertise on Cleaner Production(CP) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), establishing and dissemination Bulgarian examples of best practice
Activities: Adapting training curricula in CSR; Consultancy on CSR issues in 25 hotels and companies in the tourism industry; Trainings of 40 experts in CSR;
[2009-2012] Decent Work, Decent Life
Period: 2009 – 2012
Work Sphere: Corporate and social responsibility
Type of Action: Capacity building
Client: Mmebers of the trade unions in Austria, Bulgaria and Romania
Partners: FLI of CL “Podkrepa”;Südwind Agentur (Austria – NGO); Austrian Trade Union Federation; Cartel ALFA (Romania – trade union); “AUR” – A.N.S.R.U (Romania).
Objective: Enhanced common international strategies and policies of trade unions and works councils, (specifically international framework agreements and solidarity agreements).
Activities: Awareness raising on decent work the interlinkedness of the globalized economy and working conditions in developing countries and the EU is raised among trade union’s members and the general public; Creation of consciousness through training; Multiplying activities.
[2009-2012] Effective utilization of the CSR practises to deal with the margins of the labour markets in South East Europe
Period: 2009 – 2012
Work Sphere: Corporate and social responsibility
Type of Action: Analysis, Capacity building, Awareness
Client: EC, DG “Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities”
Funding: EU – PROGRESS programme
Partners: ESC – Economic and Social Council, “AUR” – A.N.S.R.U (Romania)
Objective: Improve the understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility as an effective instrument to achieve the directly related to the labour market objectives of EES; improve the institutional capacity of the different stakeholders – governmental bodies, social partners, NGOs;
Activities: Creation of inventory of CSR practices related to attracting people from the margins of the labour market (young people, pre-retirement age people, disabled, low-educated and low-skilled, women after maternity leave) – best practices form Bulgaria, Denmark, France, UK, Ireland, Romania and Sweden; Development of methodology for monitoring and assessment of the level of excellence in CSR practices in Europe (Methodology); Pilot project for testing the developed methodology in 6-10 enterprises; Dissemination.
[2011-2013] Supporting the needs of Older and Vulnerable Employees (SNOVE)
Period: 2011 – 2013
Work Sphere: Corporate and social responsibility
Type of Action: Capacity building
Funding: LLP Leonardo Da Vinci
Client: General Federation of Trade Unions Educational Trust
Partners: Tyovaen Akatemia (FI); Groupe ESC Toulouse (FR); United Nations Staff Union – International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (NL).
Objective: Refine and review the innovative UK experience of the GFTU in positively supporting older, vulnerable workers as they approach retirement and/or unemployment.
Activities: Analysis of needs; Preparation / adaptation and transfer of educational activities and/or products; Piloting/testing the products; Transfer, adaptation, accreditation and testing of products.
[2011-2013] For more Responsible Purchasing Practices (RESPECT)
Period: 2011 – 2013
Work Sphere: Corporate and social responsibility
Type of Action: Capacity building
Funding: LLP Leonardo Da Vinci
Client: Fair Labor Association
Partners: Fair Labor Association (CH); MAC-Team aisbl (BE); New Age Bulgaria Ltd (BG); Ecole Superieure De Commerce Et De Management (FR); Limelight Consulting (FR); Corporate Social Responsibility Association (TR); Hey Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. (TR)
Objective: Transfer existing innovative training materials and community building experiences to a the apparel and footwear manufacturing. Improve quality and attractiveness of vocational training in the field of CSR
Activities: Transfer of innovative existing content; Training needs analysis; Pilot seminars with suppliers; Integration of VET elements towards the Buyer training module.
[2013-2014] Negotiating Improvements for working Carers of Adults
Period: 2013 – 2014
Work Sphere: Corporate and social responsibility
Type of Action: Analysis
Funding: EC – DG Employment
Client: The General Federation of Trade Unions Educational Trust
Partners: General Workers Union (MT); University of Greenwich (UK); Solidar (BE)
Objective: Equip unions and reps to bargain over improvements to the conditions of working carers.
Activities: Conducting basic initial research into the needs of working carers and examples of existing good practice both in the participating countries and further afield.
[2013-2015] Multiplying Decent Work – Decent Life!
Period: 2013 – 2015
Work Sphere: Corporate and social responsibility
Type of Action: Capacity building
Funding: EU – Europe Aid2013
Partners: AUR-ANSRU (RO); Cartel ALFA (RO); Sudwing Agentur (AT); Weltumspannend arbeiten (AT); CITUB (BG); Moterų informacijos centras (LT); Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation; Związek Stowarzyszeń Polska Zielona Sieć (PL); Ogólnopolskie Porozumienie Związków Zawodowych (PL); IPROS (BR); Uniao Geral dos Trabahaldores (BR)
Objective: Contributing to coherence for development, especially to fair trade, implementation of human and labour rights, the social dimension of globalisation and decent work.
Activities: Networking seminars and Study visits for multipliers and mentors; Creating networks and exchange platforms; Exchange of good practices.
Results: Created network between 5 CEE countries and Brazil for joint international strategies for decent work in trade unions, NGOs and politics.
[2015-2018] Social & Solidarity Economy as Development Approach for Sustainability (SSEDAS) in EYD 2015 and beyond
Period: 2015 – 2018
Type of action: capacity building
Work sphere:corporate and social responsibility
Funding: Europe Aid
Objective: Enhance the competences of Development Networks and Social and Solidarity Economy Networks in 46 territories concerning the role that Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) can play in the global fight against poverty and to promote a sustainable way of living.
Partners: COSPE (IT); Fairwatch (IT); Sudwing Agentur (AT); SOS Faim (BE); DEŠA (HR); CARDET (CY); Ekumenicka akademie Praha (CZ); Mondo (EE); PETF (FI); RHSF (FR); Inkota (DE); Fair Trade Hellas (EL); DemNet (HU); Cromo Foundation (HU); Waterford One World Centre (IE); Green Liberty (LT); Kopin (MT); Koalicja Sprawiedliwego Handlu (PL); IMVF (PT); TERRA Mileniul III Foundation (RO); Slovak Centre for Communication and Development (SK); Mirovni institut (SI); Cerai (ES); Cooperative College (UK); Think Global (UK)
Activities: Exchange of Good Practices; Enhancing the competences of European NGOs and Public Institutions; Raised public awareness of European citizens; Context Analysis- Geographic Territories on Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE);