[2015-2018] Social & Solidarity Economy as Development Approach for Sustainability (SSEDAS) in EYD 2015 and beyond

Period: 2015 – 2018

Type of action: capacity building

Work sphere:corporate and social responsibility

Funding: Europe Aid

Objective: Enhance the competences of Development Networks and Social and Solidarity Economy Networks in 46 territories concerning the role that Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) can play in the global fight against poverty and to promote a sustainable way of living.

Partners: COSPE (IT); Fairwatch (IT); Sudwing Agentur (AT); SOS Faim (BE); DEŠA (HR); CARDET (CY); Ekumenicka akademie Praha (CZ); Mondo (EE); PETF (FI); RHSF (FR); Inkota (DE); Fair Trade Hellas (EL); DemNet (HU); Cromo Foundation (HU); Waterford One World Centre (IE); Green Liberty (LT); Kopin (MT); Koalicja Sprawiedliwego Handlu (PL); IMVF (PT); TERRA Mileniul III Foundation (RO); Slovak Centre for Communication and Development (SK); Mirovni institut (SI); Cerai (ES); Cooperative College (UK); Think Global (UK)

Activities: Exchange of Good Practices; Enhancing the competences of European NGOs and Public Institutions; Raised public awareness of European citizens; Context Analysis- Geographic Territories on Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE);