
[2004-2005] Social Insurance Reform – Disability Study in Bulgaria

Period: 2004 – 2005

Work Sphere: Social Inclusion and Integrated services

Type of Action: Capacity building

Client: Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria

Partners: Gesellschaft fuer Vericherungs-wissenschaft und-gestaltung e.V. (GVG)

Objective: To assist the Government in improving the targeting and administration of benefits currently available to people with disability

Activities: Providing review of the existing disability benefits and disability benefit administration; Providing a training program for institutions assessing disability; Training to representatives of the main institutions involved. The training has covered both limited theoretical instruction and practical case assessment; Three EU disability regimes were described and compared to the Bulgarian disability system three EU disability regimes; Developing an Options paper for improved control for new disability assessments and the reassessment of the stock of people with disability

[2003-2005] Social Services Delivery by the Non-profit Sector

Period: 2003 – 2005

Work Sphere: Social Inclusion and Integrated services

Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance

Client: Delegation of the European Commission, Croatia

Partners: n/a

Objective: To improve the quality of social services in the fight against poverty, social discrimination and inequality by promoting co-operation between the public sector and civil society organizations

Activities: Institution and Capacity Building; Training of Trainers; Grant Scheme Support.

[2001-2002] Privatization – Social Policy and Social Dialogue – the case of Bulgaria and Serbia

Period: 2001 – 2002

Work Sphere: Others: Social policy and Social dialogue

Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance

Client: Freedom House – USA

Partners: European Movement in Serbia; Center for Economical Development

Objective: To study and analyze the process of social consequences of the privatization in Bulgaria in three main dimensions– national, branch and firm level.

Activities: Development of the main surveys and reports; Training for the Serbian partners after the Bulgarian experience in the field; Developing a White Paper for recommended policy and Action Plan how to develop a social policy to reduce the negative social consequences of the privatization.

[2006-2007] Modern Management Practices Introduced to Alternative SMEs

Modern Management Practices Introduced to Alternative Micro- and Small Businesses in the North-West NUTS II Regions

Period: 2006 – 2007

Work Sphere: Other: SME development

Type of Action: Capacity building

Client: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Republic of Bulgaria

Partners: Institute for Ecological modernization

Objective: To raise the knowledge, skills and competencies of more than 50 micro- and small enterprises (SMEs), in areas of strategic importance for their long-term viability

Activities: Organizing 6 three-day seminars for approximately 150 representatives of SMEs; Providing individual consultancies and drafting strategies in CSR, HRD and SBD for overall 15 firms.

[2006-2007] Active Labour Market Initiatives – “Infoinvest – Shabla And Tervel”

Period: 2006 – 2007

Work Sphere: Other: regional development

Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance

Client: Employment Agency

Partners: Shabla municipality; Tervel municipality

Funding: World Bank Project “Bulgaria Active Labor Market Initiatives”

Objective: To stimulate the creation of new jobs in the Shabla and Tervel municipalities through providing reliable and accessible information for potential investor and attracting them to invest in the region.

Activities:Analysis of the existing data environment on municipal level; Development of more than 200 indictors on municipal level; Elaboration of a methodology for gathering, processing and storing of a data of the newly created indicators; Development of a database software product for storing data; Pilot testing of the system through field work; Issuing an investors’ bulletin on a hard copy and CD version as well as on a web page; Creating informational product of municipal data for investors; Development of a Municipal strategy for creating new jobs.

[2006-2007] Active Labour Market Initiatives – “InfoInvest – Belovo”

Period: 2006 – 2007

Work Sphere: Other: regional development

Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance

Client: Employment Agency

Partners: Belovo municipality; foundation “Horizonti”

Funding: World Bank Project “Bulgaria Active Labor Market Initiatives”

Objective: To stimulate the creation of new jobs in the municipality of Belovo through providing reliable and accessible information for potential investor and attracting them to invest in the region.

[2006-2007] Active Labour Market Initiatives – “InfoInvest – Madan”

Period: 2006 – 2007

Work Sphere: Other: regional development

Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance

Client: Employment Agency

Funding: World Bank Project “Bulgaria Active Labor Market Initiatives”

Partners: Madan municipality

Objective: To stimulate the creation of new jobs in the municipality of Madan through providing reliable and accessible information for potential investor and attracting them to invest in the region.

Activities: Analysis of the existing data environment on municipal level; Development of more than 200 indictors on municipal level; Elaboration of a methodology for gathering, processing and storing of a data of the newly created indicators; Development of a database software product for storing data; Pilot testing of the system through field work; Issuing an investors’ bulletin on a hard copy and CD version as well as on a web page; Creating informational product of municipal data for investors; Development of a Municipal strategy for creating new jobs.

[2006-2007] INFOREGIO

Period: 2006 – 2007

Work Sphere: Other: regional development

Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance

Client: Ministry of Economy and Energy of Republic of Bulgaria

Partners: Kostenetz municipality; Dolna banya municipality

Objective: To attract new investors in the neighboring municipalities of Dolna Banya and Kostenetz

Activities: Analysis of the existing data environment on municipal level; Development of more than 200 indictors on municipal level; Elaboration of a methodology for gathering, processing and storing of a data of the newly created indicators; Development of a database software product for storing data; Pilot testing of the system through field work in Dolna Banya and Kostenetz municipalities; Issuing an investors’ bulletin on a hard copy and CD version as well as on a web page; Creating informational product of municipal data for investors; Development of a Municipal strategy for creating new jobs.

[2008-2009] Dolceta – Developing On-Line Consumer Education and Training for Adults

Period: 2008 – 2009

Work Sphere: Other: consumer market

Type of Action: Capacity building

Client: European Universities Continuing Education Network (EUCEN)

Partners: n/a

Objective: Develop new web-based consumer education modules, update and host the already existing modules

Activities: Developing 7 different modules for customers education in all EU languages


[2007-2008] Technical Support for PDIF in Developing Business Processes

Full name: Technical Support for PDIF in Developing Business Processes and Functional Requirements for Software to Support the Determination of Rights and Payment Pensions

Period:  2007-2008

Work Sphere: Other: Social Security

Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance

Client: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Republic of Macedonia

Partners: AAM Consulting (Hungary); Global Consulting (Bulgaria)

Objective: To improve the institutional capacity of PDIF (Pension and disability insurance fund) to implement all legal regulations from pension and disability insurance for determination of the right of pension

Activities: Analysis of current process for determination of the rights from Pension and Disability Insurance Law; Analysis of current process of payment of pension and other obligations according Law for Pension and Disability Insurance.

[2011-2012] Poverty and Social Impact Assessment of Bulgarian Railway Sector Reforms

Period: 2011 – 2012

Work Sphere: Social impact and regional development

Type of Action: Analysis

Funding/Client: World Bank

Partners: N/A

Objective: Make social impact assessment on on-going reforms in the Bulgarian railway sector including mass layoffs and closures/reductions of railway lines

Activities: Conduction of desk research and qualitative analysis of staff and household impacts affected by mass layoffs; Quantitative survey on impact on railway users in affected locations and/or along railway lines.

[2012-2013] Monitoring a System for the Agency for People with Disabilities

Period: 2012 – 2013

Work Sphere: Analysis on Social inclusion & Action Plans

Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance

Funding: EU/National Budget

Client: Agency for People with Disabilities

Partners: Vitosha Research

Objective: Development and introduction of a system for monitoring and evaluation of the state policy for people with disabilities. Development and introduction of a system for strategic planning, program budgeting, control and administration of state budget directed towards people with disabilities

Activities: Establishment of a system for monitoring and evaluation of the state policy for PwD; Establishment of a system for strategic planning, program budgeting, control and administration of state budget directed towards PwD; Conducting 12 seminars for 120 people working in the state system and in contact with PwD.

[2014-2015] Development of a Gravitational Model for Regional Marketing

Period: 2014 – 2015

Work Sphere: Other – HR and regional development

Type of Action: Consultancy and technical assistance

Funding: Tender

Client: Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria

Partners: N/A

Objective: Development of a gravitational model for regional marketing and methodology for its implementation in the six planning regions in Bulgaria.

Activities: Survey and synopsis of good European practices of innovative regional marketing and marketing policies for partner networks; Development of a theoretical gravitational model; Design of organizational structures to the KRIB – Regional Observatories for Coordination and Business Development; Developing a methodology, procedures and tool for data collection; Training 36 leading experts; Elaborating analytical report; conducting 2 two-day results forums.

[2015-2016] Energy Efficiency and Resource Efficiency through Better Knowledge and Public Awareness

Period: 2015 – 2016

Work Sphere: other – energy efficiency

Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance

Funding: tender by MEE, EEA FM 2009 – 2014

Objective: Increase the administrative capacity of state and municipal authorities and institutions to plan and implement energy efficiency and renewable energy (EE and RES) measures by providing training and consultations.

Activities: Preparation and implementation of on-site trainings (660 trainees) and distance training for capacity building for development, planning and implementation of EE and RES measures.

[2016-2017] Poverty and Social Impact Assessment of Water Supply and Sanitation Sector in Bulgaria

Period: 2016 – 2017

Working sphere: other – social impact and regional development

Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance

Funding: World Bank Tender

Objective:Estimate impacts of water tariff increase on the population, and especially on poorest and vulnerable groups; Assess and recommend mitigation strategies related to impact from tariff increase; Identify short-term governance and accountability initiatives; Facilitate dialogue among stakeholders.

Activities: Drafting evaluation and sampling methodology and instruments; Collection of quantitative and qualitative data; Qualitative and quantitative analysis; Drafting PSIA Report in of Water supply and Sanitation Sector in Bulgaria.

[2017] Feedback Analysis on the Administrative Services Provided by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy

Period: 2017

Funding: Tender by MLSP

Work sphere: other – administrative services

Type of action: analysis

Objective: Providing executive feedback analysis on the administrative services for Improving the evidence-based policymaking and the understanding of the need for and the status quo in the provision of feedback to institutions on the quality of the provided administrative services.

Activities: Conducting desk research, focus groups and in-depth interviews with representatives from MLSP and the leading agencies; Conducting a survey with administrative services users; Preparing the Feedback Analysis report.