Orientation and training
[2008-2009] Improvement of 30 vocational training standards, organization and conduction of specialized training of teachers, development of a web-portal for vocational training and education
Period: 2008 – 2009
Work Sphere: Orientation and training
Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance
Client: Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in Bulgaria
Partners: WYG International, WYG Bulgaria Ltd.
Objective: Development of 30 vocational training standards in the fields of arts and management; Training of 900 teachers in topics such as new technologies, ITC and English in vocational training; Development a web-portal for vocational training and education
Activities: Project management, Development of the VT standards, Conduction of trainings about 900 teachers, Development of the web-portal
[2015] Identifying main stakeholders in adults learning sector and assessment of their resources needs
Period: 2015
Work Sphere: Orientation and training
Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance
Client: Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria
Partners: n/a
Objective: To conduct a study in which to collect, process and analyze empirical and other information to identify and outline stakeholders in the adult learning sector as well as to analyze their status and resource needs
Activities: Identifying stakeholders in the adults learning sector and conducting quantitative and qualititative analysis on their resources needs
[2005-2006] Development of a System for Studying the Needs for Vocational Training and
Development of a System for Studying, Identifying and Monitoring of the Employers’ and Employees’ Needs for Vocational Training and
Period: 2005 – 2006
Work Sphere: Orientation and training
Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance
Client: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Republic of Bulgaria
Partners: GOPA Consutants, Alpha Research, Free German Universities
Objective: Maintaining and improving the human resource quality and their job placement through regular information and analysis of the employers and employees training needs; establishing a mobile and adaptive system for adult training taking into account the social and economic needs.
Activities: Developing an information database, a methodology for training needs at the labour market; Testing the system in 12 regions; Training to staff of the MLSP, Employment Agency, Ministry of Education and Science, National Agency for Vocational Education and Training, social partners, vocational training centers.
[2006-2007] Consulting Services to Design and Deliver training Programmes for the Ministry
Consulting Services to Design and Deliver training Programmes for the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Bulgaria – Second Stage
Period: 2006 – 2007
Work Sphere: Orientation and training
Type of Action: Capacity building
Client: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Republic of Bulgaria
Funding: International Training Centre of ILO in Turin
Partners: n/a
Objective: To provide basic information and knowledge to the staff of MLSP from the regional structures (local offices of Employment Agency, Social Assistance Agency, General Labour Inspectorate) and to the social partners in order to strengthen their capacity for effective and efficient planning, programming, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of ESF type of projects and programmes alligned with EU social standards.
Activities: Developing training materials corresponding to the proposed and approved training programme and its respective modules; Creating institutional capacity for management of European structural funds; Training of 360 MLSP staff in PCM, M&E, EU structural funds management in 18 seminars;
[2014] Development of Materials for Trainers and Personnel of VET Centres
Period: 2014
Work Sphere: Vocational orientation and training
Type of Action: Consultancy and technical assistance
Funding: Tender, ESF/National Budget
Client: National Agency for Vocational Education and Training
Partners: N/A
Objective: Development of two Manuals – for VTC and for Adult Trainers.
Activities: Developing manuals; Conducting 9 focus groups among VTC managers, Methodists, trainers to test their expectations
[2016-2017] COMPASS – Activation for the Labour Market
Period: 2016 – 2017
Work sphere: Vocational orientation and training
Objective: Providing services to target group representatives (NEETs in the age interval 15-29 years of age) related to career guidance, psychological support, information regarding the opportunities for return to the labour market and/ or to education to support their full inclusion in the society and the labour market.
Activities: Identifying 83 economically inactive young people up to 29 years; Motivation trainings provision (6 events) for active employment seeking; Digital competences trainings (6 events) provision; Providing 2-month subsidised employment for 50 Young people.
Funding: ESF, OP HRD 2014-2020
Country: Bulgaria