Labour market and employment

[2018 – 2020] Social Innovation Zone project

Period: 2018 – 2020

Work Sphere: Labour Market, Social Inclusion and Integrated Services

Type of Action: Research and Innovation

Client: Erasmus +


1. “AUR”- Asociatia Nationala a Specialistilor in Resurse, Romania;
2. Jaymac Consulting Ltd,United Kingdom;
3. Arjé Formación SL, Spain
4. Ressources Humaines Sans Frontières, France
5. Berufliches Bildungs- und Rehabilitationszentrum Österreich, Austria


  1. Gathering best practices and tools from each partner in the topics:  3 social economy, 3 social entrepreneurship and 3 social innovations – translated in Bulgarian, English, French, Spanish, German and Romanian
  2. Summarizing the practices and the tools in e-book library – translated in Bulgarian, English, French, Spanish, German and Romanian (with the participation of all partners)
  3. 6 short term joint staff visits of experts to partnering organizations for exploring the practices


  1. Development of a model for identifying potential social entrepreneurs among the target groups
  2. Development of a model for career guidance in the social economy and entrepreneurship
  3. Development of a training program in the social economy, entrepreneurship and innovation
  4. Development of social entrepreneurship real life game

[2004-2005] Updating of the National Vocational Classifier of the Republic of Bulgaria, 1996

Period: 2004 – 2005

Work Sphere: Labour market and employment

Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance

Client: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Bulgaria

Partners: n/a

Objective: To update the titles of the occupations and the job positions in line with the contemporary structure and requirements to the jobs and the socio-economic management

Activities: Analysis of the legislation and the methodology related to the development and functioning of the NVC; Analysis of the differences in the data base of the current classifier and the changes in the requirements to the jobs; analysis of degree of harmonization of the NVC with the ISCO-88; Training and instructing of responsible officers for contacts with the institutions; Development of Alphabetic definer of the crafts with instructions to which code of classification the particular job position is relevant; Development of supporting documents for the NVC; Development of an electronic version of the updated NVC

[2005] Labour market flexibility and modernization – comparative analysis of the labour code and other relevant legislation

Period: 2005

Work Sphere: Labour market and Employment

Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance

Client: Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria

Partners: Gesellschaft fuer Vericherungs-wissenschaft und-gestaltung e.V. (GVG)

Objective: To help the Government of Bulgaria to reform the labor market aiming at improving labor market adaptability, in particular, to improve the existing Labor Code and other labor legislation in order to make it more conducive to job creation and employment growth

Activities: Comparative analysis of labor legislation vis-à-vis to OECD relevant labor legislation, labor laws in transition countries focusing in particular on key labor market flexibility indicators, such as flexibility of hiring flexibility of firing, and conditions of employment; identification of key constraints to labor market flexibility in the Bulgarian labor legislation; A focus group survey to identify and discuss constraints to job creation and employment growth; Developing recommendations for improving the Labor Code, the Social Insurance Code and other relevant legislation

[2002-2003] Principal Analysis and Legal Arguments of the Strategic Action Plan for Labour Market Reforms

Period: 2002 – 2003

Work Sphere: Labour market and Employment

Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance

Client: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Bulgaria

Partners: n/a

Objective: To prepare a detailed platform and tools for supporting MLSP in development of labour market policy

Activities: Analysis of the of the strategic action plan prepared by the WB; Legal arguments pro and contra of the strategy of the WB on the labour market liberalization were defined; Analysis of the Bulgarian labour market trends; Synthesis of recommendations for liberalization of the labour market; A Strategic paper for the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy was developed.

[2001-2002] Labour relations – survey on non-typical employment in Bulgaria

Period: 2001 – 2002

Work Sphere: Labour market and employment

Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance

Client: International Labour Organization (ILO)

Partners: n/a

Objective: To investigate the relations between employees and employers with view to different forms of employing in the market economy conditions in Bulgaria

Activities: Holding of a survey for non-typical employment in Bulgaria; Preparation of a Report on non-typical employment; Development of Recommendations for reducing the social tension in the Bulgarian labor market sphere.

[2006-2007] Development of Human Resources Development Strategy

Period: 2006 – 2007

Work Sphere: Labour market and employement

Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance

Client: Employment Agency of Republic of Bulgaria

Funding: World Bank project “Bulgaria Active Labor Market Initiatives”

Partners: Gabrovo Chamber of Commerce

Objective: To enhance the quality of workforce in the district of Gabrovo

Activities: Developing a Methodology for labor force qualification and skill demand; Organization and control of the field work of the Survey; Analyzing the results; Draft the Human Resources Development Strategy of the district of Gabrovo; Training of 30 representatives of the local authorities and communities trained in strategic planning.

[2013-2014] Net Impact Assessment of employment and training youth programs

Period: 2013 – 2014

Work Sphere: Labor market and employment

Type of Action: Analysis

Funding/Client: Public Employment Agency

Partners:  N/A

Objective: Net Impact assessment of 11 youth programs for employment and training implemented in the period 2010-2012 for improving future funding instruments and action plans.

Activities: Developing methodology, including questionnaires; carrying out field work (2200 interviews, 3 focus-groups, desc research); Elaborating analytical report.

[2014] Strategic Analysis for the Purposes of the new Operational Program Human Resources Development 2014-2020

Period: 2014

Work Sphere: Labor market, social inclusion and health

Type of Action: Analysis

Funding: Tender, ESF/National Budget

Client: MLSP

Partners: N/A

Objective: Development of a gravitational model for regional marketing and methodology for its implementation in the six planning regions in Bulgaria.

Activities: Sectoral analysis; proposals for strategic priorities and interventions; Testing analytical findings and proposed strategic priorities among potential beneficiaries and other key stakeholders.

[2014-2015] Analysis on Labor Supply and Demand among the Members of Confederation of Employers and Industrialists

Period: 2014 – 2015

Work Sphere: Labor market and employment

Type of Action: Analysis

Funding: Tender

Client: Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria

Partners: N/A

Objective: Analysis on Labor Supply and Demand among the members of Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria.

Activities: Conducting three representatives quantitative surveys with more than 4000 respondents and elaborating analytical report.

[2015] Application Analysis and Introduction of Models of Sheltered Employment for People with Disabilities in Bulgaria

Period: 2015

Work Sphere: Labor market and employment

Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance

Funding: Tender

Partners: Stoykov Consult Ltd, association “Horizonti

Objective: Developing a Bulgarian model for Sheltered employment for disable people.

Activities: Preparing initial analysis of current practices and needs for provision of sheltered employment for disabled people in Bulgaria; Conducting application analysis of existing best practices, innovative policies and instruments; Developing a Manual for Sheltered employment introduction in Bulgaria; Providing recommendations for legislative improvements; Training in sheltered employment for 120 people representatives of target groups working the relevant fields.

[2016-2017] Ex-post Evaluation of 5 Schemes under OP HRD 2007-2013

Period: 2016-2017

Work sphere: Labour market

Type of action: Analysis

Funding: Tender by MLSP

Objective: Ex-post evaluation of 5 shemes under Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007-2013

Activities: Drafting evaluation and sampling methodology and instruments; Collection of quantitative and qualitative data; Qualitative and quantitative analysis; Drafting ex-post evaluation report