[2008-2009] Improvement of 30 vocational training standards, organization and conduction of specialized training of teachers, development of a web-portal for vocational training and education

Period: 2008 – 2009 Work Sphere: Orientation and training Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance Client: Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in Bulgaria Partners: WYG International, WYG Bulgaria Ltd. Objective: Development of 30 vocational training standards in the fields of arts and management; Training of 900 teachers in […]

[2015] Identifying main stakeholders in adults learning sector and assessment of their resources needs

Period: 2015 Work Sphere: Orientation and training Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance Client: Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria Partners: n/a Objective: To conduct a study in which to collect, process and analyze empirical and other information to identify and outline stakeholders in the adult learning sector as well as to analyze […]

[2005-2006] Development of a System for Studying the Needs for Vocational Training and

Development of a System for Studying, Identifying and Monitoring of the Employers’ and Employees’ Needs for Vocational Training and Period: 2005 – 2006 Work Sphere: Orientation and training Type of Action: Consultancy and Technical Assistance Client: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Republic of Bulgaria Partners: GOPA Consutants, Alpha Research, Free German Universities Objective: […]

[2014] Development of Materials for Trainers and Personnel of VET Centres

Period: 2014 Work Sphere: Vocational orientation and training Type of Action: Consultancy and technical assistance Funding: Tender, ESF/National Budget Client: National Agency for Vocational Education and Training Partners: N/A Objective: Development of two Manuals – for VTC and for Adult Trainers. Activities: Developing manuals; Conducting 9 focus groups among VTC managers, Methodists, trainers to test […]

[2016-2017] COMPASS – Activation for the Labour Market

Period: 2016 – 2017 Work sphere: Vocational orientation and training Objective: Providing services to target group representatives (NEETs in the age interval 15-29 years of age) related to career guidance, psychological support, information regarding the opportunities for return to the labour market and/ or to education to support their full inclusion in the society and the […]