Conference Concept
National Round Table (NRT) for introduction of social standards was established in 2004 under a project funded by the Germany government together with the association of large retail chains stores in Germany and supported by AVE, German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). The project is a model for public – private partnership in 11 countries from Asia and Europe, which includes Bulgaria, the aim is to encourage businesses – suppliers of Germany companies to introduce and observe standards in social work and be audited in the already existing international standards.
The purpose of the NRT is improving the dialogue and exchange of information on the topics of corporate social responsibility, promotion of social standards among the people, society and political institutions, support the process of auditing the companies, building a national continuity. Round Table holds regular meetings every 3 or 4 months. The participants of the National Round Table have the opportunity to discuss novelties, principles and ideas for development and implementation of CSR in SMEs and the mode of interaction with other stakeholders in their practical implementation.
Promoting the theme of social standards is important both for companies and society as a whole. Therefore, participants in the National Round Table unite the idea to contribute to the implementation of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Bulgaria. One of the most significant initiatives of the Round Table are organizing the annual National Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and the annual national Competition for socially responsible company in Bulgaria, having so far conducted their four editions. .
Awards from the National Competition for socially responsible enterprise is awarded in the categories micro and small enterprise, large enterprise. Candidates for the competition are all entities or persons conducting business within the country, respecting the social criteria and working in branches, which are announced during the contest year. The National Award is a public recognition and moral support for businesses in Bulgaria, adhering to best practices of socially responsible behavior. The formal awarding of the nominees in various categories of enterprises is performed at the annual conference on Corporate Social Responsibility.
The implemented conferences increased public interest in the topic of corporate social responsibility, emphasizing the benefits to all stakeholders – the state, employers, trade unions and other NGOs, business and civil society as a whole. Each of the conferences held to date has its own focus and theme. Each edition of the conferences had been a basis for discussion and way of presenting the views of all stakeholders. At present a total number of four conferences are held and were handed awards for socially responsible company of the year. To participation in all conference are invited representatives of state institutions, social partners, business, science and academia and NGOs from Bulgaria, as in 2009 for the first time had the participation of experts from the region on the topic. The Conferences are held under the auspices of Minister of Labour and Social Policy in Bulgaria, with financial support from the Germany Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation through Germany Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ GmbH) in Bulgaria. Organisers of the events were Industrie Consult Ltd. and the Balkan Institute for Labour and Social Policy.